jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Evaluation of blog experience

I think that my experience writing the blog was fun; it helped me to learn a little more about my classmates and their careers. It was a little difficult at first because I didn't have a good vocabulary, but I learned a lot of new words doing this activity and also improved some mistakes that I tended to make, like the use of past tense. In school I didn't receive a good formation in English, my teachers used to miss classes and the school normally gave us that hour as a recess, and I only used to write in English to make some comments on YouTube. So, I thought that it was going to be a difficult work for me, but it was very easy, mostly because we had to write about familiar things or about our interests. The fact of writing comments on our classmates post also was fun because we shared our opinions and show some interesting things to the others. I tried in every class to read my classmates’ posts and leave a comment.  I just think that this didn’t help me very much to my pronunciation, and that’s the thing I want to improve. But, although there were topics to write about more interesting that others, I think it was a good experience, I’m going to miss write in my blog (really).


Noooooo, I want to write more posts :'(

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Blog Session 9


I found this site about two years ago, when I was investigating about what anthropology is. I read some articles on it and I found them really interesting, even more because it was wrote by a woman anthropologist, so I added it to my “favorites” and it is still there.

I like that there are posts about every topic, always when I look for something on Google, I find a post in this blog about it. Yesterday I was looking for information about the sentineleses, a tribe that lives in an island of India, totally in isolation for the world. So, I was reading about it and I discovered a really complete post in this blog, and also others ones about related topics, like “el hombre del agujero” or the last survivor of the Yai tribe, Ishi. But the blog does not talk about tribes only; there are other interesting things like contemporary events, always linking it with anthropologist work. I think I’m never going to read all the posts because there are many and I’m very lazy, but I think that it is a good blog to know a little more about the work of an anthropologist.

Get out of my little island stupid helicopters

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

A free post

Today, I’m going to talk about the most amazing animals in the world: Dogs.
Dogs are descendants of wolves, but they were tamed, and for that reason they acquired the characteristic we can see today, such as different colors, sizes, weights, etc.
They have a very developed sense of hearing and smell, and some evidence say that they were living with humans about 9000 years ago. Today, they have a lot of functions due to their docility and intelligence; they can be assistance dogs, rescue dogs, sheep dogs or just company dogs.

I like them because they are very loving and intelligent! My dog is able to bring me the toys that I ask for, he can understand some words and also he can communicate some things, obviously not talking, but doing some actions that I can interpret. He goes crazy when he sees me after a week away! I think that every person needs to have a dog in their lives to know what true and unconditional love is.

a mass of white hair and me

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

A photograph you like

I think this is one of my favorite pictures. It has not a big production or was taken with a professional camera; in fact, I remember that it was taken like two years ago by my mom with her cellphone. In the picture you can see my two dogs: Mono and Luna, they were very good friends. Mono is the little white dog and he was 4 or 5 months old in the picture. Luna was the big brown dog and she had 14 years old. She was very old and big dogs only live 16 years, so she passed away two months ago. It was very sad because she was with us all of her life. I really like this picture because it remembers me the summertime, when we played all the afternoons in the courtyard with my brother and then we dived in the pool to ride out the sun. So I really hope that summer arrive fast!

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

How green are you?

To be honest, I don’t do so many things to consider myself as a green person, but I try to do some little actions to help the planet. For example, I prefer to buy things from companies that don’t do experiments in animals and when I get out I keep my garbage till I find an adequate place to throw it. In Talca, when I’m going to a near place, I like to go by bicycle, also I help in the gardening things taking care of the plants of the street trying to use the less water possible and I recycle the plastic bottles taking out it in special deposits. That is the only practice of recycling I do I think.

I haven’t joined an eco-organization, but once with my high school classmates we did a project to clean one of the most popular places in Talca, the Virgin Hill. We obtain help from municipality and they lent us a garbage truck. Regrettably, we just went one day and we weren’t able to get down the hill and keep cleaning because we were too tired, but it was a nice activity. I also tried to be part of Greenpeace, but they told me that the only form that I could help from Talca was sending money. I think that we as a society have a lot to do about this topic. It’s just feeling the quality of air here in Santiago. It’s not very hard to do things that may help the planet and, as a consequence, improve our life quality.

Here with my friends and some dogs saving the world 

The night view from cerro La Virgen, the better place to go for a walk in Talca (and the only one I think)

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

My Future Job

In the future I would like to work as a social anthropologist. I expect to work in governmental areas, I don’t know well how them works, but I would like to help making public policies and for that I think I have to do on-site work, that is, work directly with people to know well what their problems are, what they really need and helping with that information in the redaction of future laws. That’s why I would like to take laws or public administration in a future, for complement my knowledge and be a better professional in the areas I want to work. I’m sure that I want to keep studying when I finish anthropology.

One of the things that called my attention about this career was the possibility to know a lot of thing outside my own reality, and I really think that I have learned a lot about it. The things I have learned about the study of lost civilizations in archeology have also called my attention, so I really need to take a time and think what is the thing I want to do in a future.

I hope to travel a lot in the future and know a lot of realities that would help in my formation, but also I don't what that my work became an obstacle to make another things in my life. 

Here I put some pictures that helped me to decide what to study:

Really, I don't know what to do with my life

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

My Favorite Movies

I can’t tell which is my favorite kind of movies because, to be honest, I don’t usually watch movies and if I watch one it has to be very good because I get bored easily. The only movies that always can catch my attention are the cartoon ones, my favorite one is Tangled and How to Train your Dragon.

But talking seriously, if I had to choose a genre I would say, in addition to cartoon ones, that I like drama movies. I don’t know if that is the genre to classify them, but I remember that some movies that caught my attention were “Donnie Darko”, “Mr. Nobody”  “A Clockwork Orange” and “Trainspotting”.  I like that kind of movies that leaves you with that strange feeling, I don’t know how to describe it, but when you go to sleep, leaves you questioning many things in life. And that are movies that people recommends me, because I have a really bad eye to choose a good one haaha, that why I think I don’t watch many movies.

    A normal movie session in Cine Plaza at Talca

The feeling that I was describing is something like this

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

My favourite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my laptop, because I can do everything on it, like watch movies, play videogames, communicate with friends, etc. I got it when my earlier computer literally exploded because I had so many things on it, so my parents give me a new one on my 18th birthday. I use it to play, talk with my family and my boyfriend by Skype, to keep music and pictures on it, a little to study on it, among other things. I use it like every day to see the academic things and to distract when I’m bored here on Santiago. I think that my life would be a little better without my computer, because I could use the time I spend on it in another productive things. For example, yesterday my laptop died, I don’t know why, it just don’t wanted to turn on, so I can’t use it and I spend that time to study for the exam we have next week and also to made a few bracelets jaaja, so I think my life would be a little more productive without it :P

Thanks God for enlighten a person to create laptops

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Expectations for the New Semester

In the second semester of Anthropology we are going to have Anthropology II, Archeology II, Evolution, Sociology, Statistics and Chilean Social History. I also took a CFG about nutrition, but it was different from what I thought, it was really very boring. In sum I have eight subjects this semester. I really like all the subjects of my career, so I can’t choose a favorite one, because each one has very interesting things and also other bored things, but at the moment I’m very interested with the theory of evolution and some things about the development of inequality in Chile. I’m not participating in other activities in the university for now. In this semester I expect to be more responsibly with the study and the read, stop studying the night before the test, surpass my grades and have more fun!
This theory is very interesting!
Mono, your ancestors were wolves :O

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

My Autobiography

My name is Daniela Viviana Pérez Celedón. I was born at some hospital in Talca, on November 22st. I did my primary school at Juan Luis Sanfuentes School, and after I did high school in Liceo Abate Molina. Later I followed my studies in Anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Universidad de Chile in Ñuñoa, so I had to move to Santiago. My parents live in Talca with my brother that is 13 years old and goes to elementary school. In my hobbies I consider sleep, playing videogames, listen to music, play with my dog, hang out with friends and discover new places with my boyfriend. My dog is called Mono and I love him so much.

Here in a walk with my dog