jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

How green are you?

To be honest, I don’t do so many things to consider myself as a green person, but I try to do some little actions to help the planet. For example, I prefer to buy things from companies that don’t do experiments in animals and when I get out I keep my garbage till I find an adequate place to throw it. In Talca, when I’m going to a near place, I like to go by bicycle, also I help in the gardening things taking care of the plants of the street trying to use the less water possible and I recycle the plastic bottles taking out it in special deposits. That is the only practice of recycling I do I think.

I haven’t joined an eco-organization, but once with my high school classmates we did a project to clean one of the most popular places in Talca, the Virgin Hill. We obtain help from municipality and they lent us a garbage truck. Regrettably, we just went one day and we weren’t able to get down the hill and keep cleaning because we were too tired, but it was a nice activity. I also tried to be part of Greenpeace, but they told me that the only form that I could help from Talca was sending money. I think that we as a society have a lot to do about this topic. It’s just feeling the quality of air here in Santiago. It’s not very hard to do things that may help the planet and, as a consequence, improve our life quality.

Here with my friends and some dogs saving the world 

The night view from cerro La Virgen, the better place to go for a walk in Talca (and the only one I think)

7 comentarios:

  1. I really hate the air and the water of Santiago !!!!

  2. ohh you had a very good idea with clear you city, congratulations! :*

  3. you did a great job with your classmates, is a really nice initiative!

  4. you did a grea twork cleaning the hill

  5. You have a really good initiative with your friends :) and yes, the air of Santiago sucks!

  6. Well done Dani, your next objective is to clean my garden and backyard

  7. it's amazing your initiative with your team!
