jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Blog Session 9


I found this site about two years ago, when I was investigating about what anthropology is. I read some articles on it and I found them really interesting, even more because it was wrote by a woman anthropologist, so I added it to my “favorites” and it is still there.

I like that there are posts about every topic, always when I look for something on Google, I find a post in this blog about it. Yesterday I was looking for information about the sentineleses, a tribe that lives in an island of India, totally in isolation for the world. So, I was reading about it and I discovered a really complete post in this blog, and also others ones about related topics, like “el hombre del agujero” or the last survivor of the Yai tribe, Ishi. But the blog does not talk about tribes only; there are other interesting things like contemporary events, always linking it with anthropologist work. I think I’m never going to read all the posts because there are many and I’m very lazy, but I think that it is a good blog to know a little more about the work of an anthropologist.

Get out of my little island stupid helicopters

8 comentarios:

  1. It seems very interesting, I'm gonna try to read something but I'm very lazy, and we have to do so many things :(

  2. I watch the blog and I really like it, have so much interesting information! Thank you for show it.

  3. This blog looks interesting. I like the photo

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. i can't understand why i never find websites like this :( it's amazing!
